Sabre Mission Campus of Jesus Christ
On March 22, 2022 at approximately 1:30 PM PDT, we were assigned the property in Tecate with the church. We returned from the 2022 mission trip with a new vision and plan for trhe future of Sabre Missions.
Several years ago, a pastor we worked with told us he wanted to give us some land so we could build a house in the Tecate area. We chose a piece about 8 miles south of the city, near a little church we had built in 2013. About a year later, the pastor asked us if we would be willing to buy the whole parcel of land, from what he was giving us down the hill to and including the church building. When his wife died unexpectedly, he needed to sell the land, and wanted to make sure the land and the church building remained ministry-oriented. He also asked us to consider buying the church land he owned in Tecate, because he wanted to spend more time in Ensenada with the church he planted, and again, he wanted to make sure the city property remained ministry-oriented. We told him we would love to buy the land, but didn’t have the means to do so at that time. We continued to talk over the years, and started the purchase process for the Cerro Azul property 8 miles south of the city. Again, due to unexpected issues, the process was interrupted, so we had to start again last fall. Throughout this time, we had been praying about the city property, looking for God’s clear direction, and when we met with the pastor to start the process again, he told us he was so sure the Lord wanted us to have that property, he was willing to sign the land over to us and we would figure out the financing later. We figured that was pretty clear direction from the Lord, so we agreed to buy the church property in Tecate.
We met with him again while we were in Tecate for the mission trip, and he told us he and his attorneys had hit a snag, and hoped we could work out the problems they faced. When we first started to buy the land for our house, his then-attorney told him US citizens could own land in Mexico, but the new attorneys found out that wasn’t true, but he told us if we could get a US non-profit organization we trusted and that had a solid doctrinal base to register with the Mexican government, he could sell the land to that organization, and it could keep the property as a trust, and we could continue and expand the ministry as the need and opportunity arose. We shared with them that we had already started a 501C-3 eight years ago that would fit the bill perfectly. The attorneys were extremely pleased, took our information on Sabre Missions, and have started the process to put the land in trust.
And thus was born Sabre Missions Mexico! When we shared this with the mission team members, they were excited for us, and several offered their help and expertise with the challenges we face. So here we are, looking for the Lord’s direction in how to expand and enhance the ministry we’ve had in Mexico for over 20 years.
So, now what?We've waited for the courts to act and for things to get processed for registering Sabre Missions in Mexico.
The property we have for our house down south in Cerro Azul, which also has a church (we built in 2013), has progressed. The previous attorney did not follow through and the title had to be returned to Pastor Salomon. That was completed on August 30th. The attorney said that's 85% complete and now the title has be assigned to Sabre Missions.
The ministry property in Tecate has to be under Sabre Missions. Our new attorney will get that done next month. He has to wait for us to come down and sign documents with, what we call, a notary. Then the property can be assigned to Sabre Missions and the title can be transferred. We talked with the attorney on Wednesday and he will find out what we need to bring to get the documents notarized. It turns out, different notaries interpret the laws differently. One says we can''t do this and the one the attornies know, says we can.
For all of this to proceed, we need to have a temporary residency created for us and then we can have our permanent residency, which can take up to four years. Then, both properties can be put in our names and it becomes private property. The issue with having the property owned by Sabre Missions is that it's only good for 99 years or until we die. After that, the government can take possession of the properties. We've talking with Anna about how to get the residency done and she doesn't think it's that complicated.
Ultimately, if we can get Sabre Missions registered in Mexico quicker than we can get residency, we'll proceed that way to get the land assigned to us. When we get permanent residnecy, we'll transfer the property to our names and it will be secure. Either way, we're planning on retiring in Mexico in a few years and we want to make sure the land is stays for use in ministry.
Assuming all of this comes together, what do we do with this land? Someone asked me, just after we rurnted from the mission trip, "What is your vision?" At that point, I didn't have one. Until Pastor Salomon assigned the property to us, my vision was to go to Tecate, build what God had given us to build and come back with the same number of people with which left. Now, I'm still not sure. I believe we need to train pastors in theology. Betty wants to have some vocational training (sewing, basic carpentry, wiring, house repairs and other things). We could also have a conferenece center. We shall see what the Lord does.
By the way, Pastor Salomon has had two offeres on the land. One from a rooster fighting company and the other from a casino. both of them will pay more than we have agreed to buy the land. The Mormons will also give him just about anything he asks, because they helped build the church and want it as part of their heriitage. When Pastor Salomon first became saved, he didn't know much about theology and attended a Mormon church and they helped him build the church. After a while, he realized what they were teaching wasn't right and separated from them. There used to be a Mornon seal on the church, but he removed it a long time ago.
Just so you know, here's the breakdown for purchasing the proplerty in Tecate:
2022 - $25,000
2023 - $100,000
2024 - $124,000
How are we going to get it? Not a clue. We're open to what the Lord will do and what He will do through you.